Although the United States is enjoying the lowest unemployment rate in years, there still are many people in job search mode, hoping either to find a job or upgrade.
Here are tips to help in the process:
Have a plan.
Write it down. You may have to revise as you go along, but start with a firm idea of what kind of work you want, how much you expect to earn, whether it fits long-term career objectives, how many and what hours do you want to work?
Treat Your Search Like a Job
Treat the search as if it were a full-time job in itself. If you lack the motivation to keep at it, enlist a friend to help keep you on track. Follow a consistent schedule and stay organized as you make queries. Get up early and be ready for business during regular business hours. Follow up on any leads immediately and make a to-do list every evening. Keep detailed notes on all your conversations with prospective employers. If you notice any trends, correct your approach. Be willing to consider additional training if it will get you into the field of choice.
Keep a Good Attitude
Don’t give up. Being passed over is part of the job hunt. Keep rejections in perspective and remember that employers don’t always choose the most qualified candidate. Learn from the “no’s” and move on. Don’t take failures in the job search personally. It may be the next employer you approach will be the right one.
Ask All Known Sources About Leads
Remember to draw on every possible “in” you have among family and friends. The majority of successful job hunts are the result of networking.
Be Mindful Of Your Health
Stay healthy. If you become so focused on the hunt for a job that you forget to take care of yourself, you can defeat your own purpose. Take a little time for recreation and/or exercise. It will help you to cope with the inevitable stress and emotion of looking for a job.